
Art Encounter - Identity

3 participants share their insights & reflections through simple art

None of the workshop participants are artists. The emphasis is on hearing God while reflecting on His goodness towards us as His children.

Watch the video to hear their heartfelt stories.

Art Encounter 1Art Encounter 1Art Encounter 1
Securing My Identity in Christ

In a separate activity, each participants learnt to sketch and colour a smiling cat, a golden rose and a silver flower.

Many 2nd chances; Precious bloom; Treasure in darkness, being refined as silver

Created and colored by absolute beginners, this artwork carries deep symbolic meaning. The cat represents the idea of multiple second chances for transformation and restoration. Using the technique of negative painting, the white of the cat is revealed by painting the surrounding areas, emphasizing its purity and renewal.

The golden rose symbolizes a precious bloom of great value. The participant learned to use five different shades to color the rose, bringing out its depth and character.

The silver flower, like treasure found in darkness, reflects the refining process of being tested and purified. This also employs negative painting, where black is used to highlight the silver-white of the flower.

These words and images of encouragement inspired and uplifted the participants.

Do subscribe to read subsequent Art Encounters on various topics.

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